Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I like House.  When I say House, I mean the show.  I don't LOVE television in general but I really like House.  It may have to do with the fact that I love being right, and House is so often right, and not afraid to rub others noses in it.  I like that he has so much confidence that he has no problem sticking it to everyone else and making them feel inadequate...I know I'm saying something about myself here, but bear with me.

Up until recently the show was about diagnosis, a case would come in and House and his team would solve it.  I should mention here that I also love detective stories...blame Batman and Sherlock Holmes, but I love a good mystery.  So these medical mysteries really appealed to me.  But lately there has been a subplot.  One of House's underlings has Huntington's.

Huntington's is an ugly disease, like Parkinson's, Huntington's causes one to lose control of their motor functions.  It strikes young people, 40 year olds die of it, and look like idiots while they do it.....cold(?) yes, but also true.  This character adds a dimension to the show that has been lacking over the 2 years I have been watching it.  Is it possible that I am more interested in the human condition than a mystery?  Wow, you learn something new every day.

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