Friday, February 27, 2009

Murder Suspects Released - Video Tape Not Withstanding

Ok, if you have no idea what I mean, read here.  Yup, it's another coup for Toronto's finest.  So, to recap, you may now kill someone on video tape and between our inept cops and our horrifyingly lacking justice system two men are free who shot a man on video.

Does somebody need to call the police and shoot someone right in front of them in order for them to get a conviction?  I mean, I used to enjoy watching Law and Order and there were some very clever criminals who would try to avoid getting caught with various nefarious schemes.  The police worked hard to gather evidence and the case was made; sometimes the criminals would go free but not after being video taped.

Just a TV show you say, we that's fine.  But everyday police make arrests and the crown gets convictions without video tape.  Yet when they have it they just can't seem to locked these idiots up.

Oh well, next time I knock over a convenience store I'm going to make sure to flash my pearly white to the security camera. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I always thought he was a bit of a Ponzi

Recently I was laid off (about 3 months ago), I have since found a new job that is working out quite nicely thank-you very much, and was stiffed for my final were a few dozen of my coworkers.  This an annoyance, an inconvenience but most of all it was a piss-off.  Here was the guy who owed us money, clearly he had money, a nice house, boat and truck and we had nothing.  I filed with the labour board but to no avail (thank god I pay all those taxes - what great service Service Ontario provides).

Now, three months later a friend of mine sent me an email with a link to this story.  And I literally laughed out loud.  Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.  The jerk (John Marshall) who screwed us all out of a couple of thousand dollars is now up for bilking his investors out of about $4 million - and with any luck will end up in jail for a few years.

As a fan of irony, I approve.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Barack Obama Address to Congress

"No more will our money be used by CEO's for buying fancy cocktails and private jets"

Well Barack, that's just fucking fantastic, I'm glad that after giving out $3 trillion dollars (check this)  to the banks that you are finally putting your foot down, jeeze, somebody had to; and I'm glad you had the backbone to stop the free handouts at $3 trillion.

Judging by the standing ovations he received during his address clearly congress agrees, the same congress that gave away the first $2 trillion under the proviso that the banks and finance houses did not have to account for where the money was going.

He goes on to hail China for their environmental record, I swear to God, China.  This is the country that hosted the last olympics right?  Where the smog was thick enough to cut?  Well, yes America has a lot to learn from China.  Now, I realize that without China the USA would quickly cease to exist, I mean where would they get all their money if it wasn't for Chinese migrant labour being so willing to work for next to nothing and fill the pockets of wealthy Beijingers, so don't bother pointing it out.

Obama states that the auto industry should be saved, and America made cars are what we need.  Seriously?  Has he ever driven an American car?  Other than that Batmobile that the secret service had made for him, and they wouldn't let him drive anyway...I'm sure.

And now he just invoked his dead grandmother.  THAT'S IT!!!

You know what?  This guy is worse than Bush, at least Bush never pretended to be a savior.  This guy walks up with his "socialist" tag and gives away money to big business, enough to wipe out the debt of half the world, enough to keep the American worker securely under the yolk for another 200 years and enough so that it doesn't even matter how much more fake money they print, because no one really understands how big that number is.  He comes to power because America is hungry for "change" and what do they get, more troops commited to a war on terror that is essentially a way to earn unlimited profit for his buddies in the arms business (more here). Change indeed.

He is also worse than Bush because he should know better.  As a guy raised by his mom and grandma, who was mixed race before Lenny Kravitz made it cool and who is young enough that he shouldn't have completely lost touch with his soul, he should know that what the current world model of state sponsored capitalism does is abuse the little guy so the fat cats can afford fancy cocktails and private jets.