Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Surprising Facts About Obama

Doing some reading on about some people I find interesting today, Noam Chomsky and Ron Paul (I know they have divergent ideas but that doesn't make them less interesting). While reading about Ron Paul I came across some facts on the president elect Barrack Obama voted FOR the Patriot Act....for the patriot act, I mean this was one of the most tyrannical pieces of legislation ever pushed through by the US government, and the president elect used his senatorial vote to help it pass. Wow, you think a guy with the middle name Hussein would be more apt to try to prevent legislation that would allow the government to arrest you without charges or access to an lawyer because you are suspected of being a terrorist, you would think...

Obama has also admitted that he will not end the occupation of Iraq. Despite being supported by many anti-war groups Obama has said he will continue to support the war in Iraq in a reduced capacity but to step up activity in Afghanistan. This is change?!

The most amazing fact is the fact that all the lefties that support him are not bringing up these problems.

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