Thursday, October 6, 2011
Steve Jobs RIP
I googled it.
It was true.
Let me say here that when a guy dies in the prime of his life (professional life in this case) it's unnerving. Jobs was a guy who changed the tech industry. He fostered the release of products that literally changed the way we communicate. A friend, and coworker, of mine has on her email signature from her phone "iphoned". Super cute and gets down to the fact that the iPhone (among Apple's many other innovations) was a game changer, and in this case a verb unto itself. So I think anyone would be remiss in not recognizing that Steve Jobs was a cultural icon that will be sorely missed by investment bankers and hipsters alike. Kudos to him.
What I take issue with in the story - and you know I need to take issue with something - is that throughout my twitter feed I saw comparisons of Jobs and Edison....ya, the Edison who invented the lightbulb. Now, as I have said above, Jobs was a giant of a CEO in the tech industry and was likely a driving force behind the smartphone revolution. But, what we miss from this, and are misled into thinking by comments comparing him to Edison is that he didn't INVENT these innovations, just helped them through the corporate red tape to bring them to the market.
Are we so blinded by business success that we confuse CEOs with inventors? There are very few CEOs who have invented something of use in modern society. The people who invent new products and create groundbreaking innovations are frequently engineers and scientists who are grossly underpaid and under appreciated. Businesses help to provide the funding and bring visionaries together to create new products, subsequently they own the rights to the patents for those products, but PLEASE, let's not forget, the Steve's Jobs of the world (or Eric Schmit's) don't create innovative products, they work with people who do.
Something to keep in mind while setting up your shrine to Jobs this week.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Life In Mexico
Well, she explained to me how a beautiful migration takes place into the gulf just off Cancun. Not only do scantily clad ladies show up and shake their bits for attention but other foes of life also show up and make a much subtler exposition. The whalesharks show up in the waters off Cancun in the summer and drive a whole industry of nature lovers to brave the waves off of party central.
I guess I should explain that normally when I travel I like nature. I am a real fan of going and checking out landscape. I love to go to places that look nothing like anywhere I have been and just soak it in. I have never been the hugest wildlife watcher. I have seen whales in the pacific and grizzlies in Yellowstone, but it has never really been something I sought out. But I have, for a few years, wanted to swim with whalesharks...something about the "gentle giants" - 30 - 40 ft fish that would swim by without a care in the world always attracted me.
So, we set off to Mexico, with a few good friends in tow, and had a look.
I can safely say that swimming with the whalesharks was the #1 travel highlight of my life. There is something about a creature the size of a bus swimming by you and feeling completely safe that, for lack of a better word, blows your mind. These fish are easily big enough to tip the boat over that you showed up in, but are so uninterested in you that it leaves you with a sense of awe....sort of like how a person wouldn't be interested if there were 5 or 6 squirrels hanging around them while they had lunch.
Living in the city you are constantly surrounded by things that are dead - the sidewalk, the street, every building you see - and there is something really refreshing about being surrounded by life. If you are lucky enough to be surrounded by 10 tonnes of fish, who want nothing more than to enjoy a snack with or without an audience, you may get a sense of why nature, and life is so special. And hopefully, it will give you just the tiniest sense of wonder.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Earthquakes and the Mayans
Ok, so we just felt a minor earthquake here in Toronto. Buildings shook a bit, and people got a little nervous. Which is fair. We had a similar earthquake last year, which was a bit stronger, but again just a minor earthquake...more of a tremor really. When these earthquakes happen in Toronto (and I suspect anywhere that earthquakes aren't common) people start in with the whole 2012 nonsense. To which I love to point out that nobody listens to any Mexicans predictions on the future but for some reason a lot of people get wrapped up in the predictions of a long dead society.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Mel Brooks
Is it just me our is this guy not that funny? I'm watching "dracula: dead and loving it" and it's just not that good. I mean comedy is not easy and I'm not saying that there is nothing funny about what he has done, but I just think beyond involvement in the simpsons he really hadn't done anything that great.
I might be wrong here but is he overrated?
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Majority of Canadians Are About to Get What They Asked For
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Road trip
First off,i don't know whether it should be one word or two, but either way it raises a lot of thoughts and ambitions in any traveler. I have participated in a road trip or two in my day, a couple of times across the country and a couple of times into America. I was just out tonight with a good friend of mine with whom I've been on a couple of these trips and I have to say, it might be the purest form of travel.
So last summer we went to yellowstone park. There were a few of us, and we decided to drive from toronto. That basically took 35 hours of driving, fueled by redbull, snacks.and lots of coffee. We loved the whole trip and the journey was definitely as important as the destination.
The thing about traveling by car is that you feel the distance between your origin and your destination. When you hop into a plane and fall asleep and wake up in Italy, you don't get a sense of how far it is. But when you sit behind the wheel and trade off with a good friend on driving shifts you get an idea of just how far you've come.
We went through the badlands of north dakota which was awesome. We went through the grizzly bear, path which was snowcapped in july. And we finally ended up on yellowstone.
Yellowstine is amazing, I dare say one of the best places I've been. The geysers and the hot springs are astounding, and you can travel the world trying to see better but will likely come uo short. The people were helpful, and hospitable , we were served burgers by a girl from prague jn s small town in montana where et stayed. But what made it amazing and truly unforgettable was the 70 hour roundtrip with my wife and 2 of my good friends. And the audio copy of catch 22 didn't hurt either. It was a real feather in my cap.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Notes on a scandal
Just surfing the tech press and am really put off by the news that both apple and google are storing or locational info. I mean, as an ad guy I get the desire for more consumer data, you can never get enough. It's every marketers dream to know exactly what your consumers want so you can sell it to them where they want it, when they want it. But I always wonder if steve jobs and guy kawasaki get versions of the hardware without these privacy invading add ons. Because let's face it for all the info I want on the consumers I am targeting, I don't want the marketers targeting me to get my info.
I read that an apple customer actually wrote jobs an electronic mail asking jobs to explain the software and mentioning that he would really hate to have to change to android because they don't "track my location" (which we know now to be untrue). Jobs' only response: "yes they do". Cool, great info steve, but what's your reason?
I wonder when exactly, or how a guy like jobs decides to completely sell his soul to corporate success. Gates, totally get, and now he is atoning by trying to cure diseases and feed the hungry...but jobs seemed like he was the nice guy who you would want to have a beer with. But while having that beer I never wanted steve's shareholders to know exactly where we were tipping those pints...