After reading the stories about the mouth-breathers in the US who had a plot to kill 102 black people culminating with the assasination of Barack Obama I started thinking.
First I started thinking "Holy crap. This is crazy, assasinating a presidential candidate is a huge undertaking, these guys must be involved with a massive network of white supremacists, this could be horrible." Nope, I was dead wrong, turns out it was just two rednecks who didn't like black people. Well alright, no real surprise there, this is the US of A we are talking about here.
THEN I started thinking "Why has nobody talked about the possibility of Barack Obama getting assasinated, this is the US of A we are talking about."
So why has this not been something discussed in depth? The president that Obama is being compared to most often is JFK, and we all know how that story ended. So, after Obama wins (if he does) all that's left will be for him to threaten to "clean up the CIA", send his people to talk to Raul Castro and have a parade through any southern capital and presto the US will have to create a new currency denomination to memorialize a great man.
Before dismissing this scenario keep in mind that recently Barack has been compared to the antichrist (by SNL alum whose name I can't recall), there is the obvious fact that he is black and the fact that he may be the most liberal candidate to run a serious campaign in recent memory. Remember that America is hurting from an economic collapse and is embroiled in a war against Islam (don't kid yourself, it's against Islam, a modern day crusade) that they can't win. All of this looks to me like a recipe for a dead president.
Just my $.02
2 hours ago